“The principles of true art is not to portray, but to evoke.”
Created with intention
I build guitars with ethically sourced wood from US and North American locations whenever possible. Nearly all of my tone woods are reclaimed from from salvaged sources such as timber harvest leftover, sinker wood, and burn salvage from major forest fires in the Pacific Northwest. Not only does this practice use wood more efficiently, it offers the chance to source wood that would not be otherwise legal to use or harvest, such as an 800 year old- growth Redwood harvested as burn salvage. This sustainable approach not only preserves natural forests but also gives the wood a unique character and history. I believe the guitar's tonal qualities and aesthetic appeal are improved while promoting environmental responsibility.
As a designer, guitarist, and instrument maker, I find myself continually seeking out the elusive moments that bridge the gap between what is imagined and what is realized. Musicians can especially relate to this. It's the moment you create a sound that blurs the line between the reality of what was just played and the musical intention that is always in your mind. This heightened state of emotion, expression, and authenticity is the reason I play music and make instruments.
Whether you are new to the guitar or thinking about upgrading from a factory made instrument to a genuine handmade instrument, I hope you find inspiration to play often and seek your personal authenticity in the music you play.
I believe the guitar is the most poignant instrument for expressing the human experience. Playing a guitar is about revealing something about yourself. A well built guitar versus a mediocre guitar can be the difference between full and stunted emotional expression. How a guitar is played will always rule over how a guitar is made, but for the aficionado of the guitar, there is an added layer of the joy in understanding how a guitar is made and what it's made from.
Using a combination of old world Spanish traditional construction methods and modern approaches to build forms, I seek to create guitars that are reliable in sound quality and construction integrity. I build all my instruments from start to finish by myself, from original billets of wood to finished product.