“I create musical instruments with the intention of helping the guitarist approach more closely the sound they imagine playing in their head.”
a manifesto
As a designer, a guitarist, and as a constructor of guitars, I find myself continually seeking out the elusive moments that bridge the gap between what is imagined in my mind and what is realized with the art I create. Musicians can especially relate to this. It's the moment you create a sound that blurs the line between the reality of what was just played and the musical intention that is always in your mind. I think it's a component of what flamenco artists refer to as duende, a moment of heightened state of emotion, expression, and authenticity. It's both the reason I play music and make instruments.
Whether you are new to the guitar or thinking about upgrading from a factory made instrument to a genuine handmade instrument, I hope you find inspiration to play often and seek your personal expression and authenticity in the music you play.